Source code for lascar.engine.lra_engine

# This file is part of lascar
# lascar is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.
# Copyright 2018 Manuel San Pedro, Victor Servant, Charles Guillemet, Adrian Thillard Ledger SAS -,,,

from itertools import combinations
import numpy as np
from math import comb

from . import GuessEngine
from . import PartitionerEngine

[docs]def get_bit_coefficients(value, order): # return value as a sequence of bit coefficients, # ie, considering the binary expression of value # it will return every bit combination up to the given order bits = [int(i) for i in "{:08b}".format(value)] # we always start with a constant 1 res = [1] for o in range(order): for i in combinations(bits,o+1): res += [] return np.array(res,dtype=np.uint)
[docs]class LraEngine(PartitionerEngine,GuessEngine): """ LraEngine is a GuessEngine used to perform Linear Regression Analysis. It is implemented as a PartitionerEngine to allow for improvements as described in (M. Ouladj, S. Guilley, E. Prouff, On the Implementation Efficiency of Linear Regression-Based Side-Channel Attacks) Given a selection_function on the values under a guess guess (emulating a leakage model), LraEngine computes, for each guess guess, the goodness of fit, based on the coefficient of determination, between the output of the selection_function and the corresponding leakages. """ def __init__( self, name, partition_function, partition_range, selection_function, guess_range, solution = None, regression_order = 1, size_target_value = 8, ): """ :param name: :param partition_function: partition_function, takes a value and returns an int within partition_range :param partition_range: what are the possible outputs for the partition :param selection_function: selection_function: takes (partition_value,guess) as an input :param guess_range: what are the possible outputs for the guess guess. Note that this value should be a power of 2. :param solution: :param regression_order: the regression order (by default =1) :param size_target_value: the number of bits of the target value, that we are regressing (by default = 8). """ PartitionerEngine.__init__(self, name, partition_function, partition_range, 2) GuessEngine.__init__(self, name, selection_function, guess_range, solution) self.logger.debug( 'Creating LraEngine "%s" with %d partitions, %d guesses.' % (name, len(self._partition_range), len(guess_range)) ) self._output_cardinality = len(self._partition_range) # from the order, we compute the number of coefficients that we will regress against # it is simply sum_i=0^{order} (binomial(size_target_value, i)) # to the best of my knowledge, there is no closed form for that formula self._nb_of_coefs = 0 for i in range(regression_order+1): self._nb_of_coefs += comb(size_target_value,i) # preprocess all prediction matrices self.P = np.zeros((len(guess_range), self._nb_of_coefs, self._output_cardinality)) self.M = np.zeros((len(guess_range), self._output_cardinality, self._nb_of_coefs)) for k in guess_range: for v in self._partition_range: x = self._partition_range_to_index[v] self.M[k][x]= get_bit_coefficients(selection_function(x,k),regression_order) self.P[k] = np.linalg.inv(self.M[k].T @ self.M[k]) @ self.M[k].T def _finalize(self): self.R = np.zeros( (self._number_of_guesses,) + self._session.leakage_shape, np.double ) # compute the total sum of squares, from acc_x_by_partition[i,j,k] = sum( (leakages[k])**i | partition = j) u = self._acc_x_by_partition[0].sum(axis=0) v = self._acc_x_by_partition[1].sum(axis=0) self.SST = v - (u ** 2) / self._partition_count.sum() # compute the coalesced matrix of traces self.L = np.array([self._acc_x_by_partition[0][i]/self._partition_count[i] for i in range(len(self._partition_range))]) for k in range(self.P.shape[0]): beta = self.P[k] @ self.L epsilon = self.M[k] @ beta SSR = np.sum((epsilon - self.L)**2,axis=0) self.R[k] = 1 -(SSR/self.SST[None,:]) return np.nan_to_num(self.R)