Abstract containers

AbstractContainer is a Container for which every trace is generated from the function AbstractContainer.generate_trace(index).

Lascar proposes some implementations of AbstractContainer:

If you want to implement your own simulation container take a look at the code of BasicAesSimulationContainer at simulation_container.py. You’ll see that it consists in an AbstractContainer whose generate_trace method has been overridden.

AES simulation container

BasicAesSimulationContainer is an AbstractContainer designed to generate simulated side-channel traces during the first SubBytes function of an AES-128.

The first 16 time samples of the leakage represent the noisy Hamming weight at the output of the first SubBytes function. The other time samples are just noise.

from lascar.container import BasicAesSimulationContainer

# Container with 5 traces, noise set to 1.5.
container = BasicAesSimulationContainer(50, 1.5)
trace = container[0]  # Get the first trace of the container
trace_batch = container[0:3]  # Get the first 3 traces as a TraceBatch

Containers concatenation

MultipleContainer is used to concatenate containers. It is particularly useful when you have stored your traces in different files, and you want to merge them for your analysis.

In the following example, we use MultipleContainer to concatenate a few BasicAesSimulationContainer.

from lascar import MultipleContainer

# First we create a tuple of 4 containers with the same leakage/value shape.
# The number of traces can be anything.
containers = [BasicAesSimulationContainer(10, 1.5) for _ in range(3)]
containers += [BasicAesSimulationContainer(20, 2)]
# Then we create the `MultipleContainer`, by passing containers as args:
multiple = MultipleContainer(*containers)

Now we can see that the traces inside multiple arise from containers, but have not been copied elsewhere:

for i in range(10):
    assert multiple[i] == containers[0][i]
    assert multiple[10 + i] == containers[1][i]
    assert multiple[20 + i] == containers[2][i]

for i in range(20):
    assert multiple[30 + i] == containers[3][i]

Containers filtering

FilteredContainer is used to filter a container, by selecting a subset of the traces.

There are two ways of setting up a FilteredContainer:

  • using an iterable (tuple, range,…) to indicate directly which traces to keep or discard,
  • using a boolean predicate function that will be applied on each trace (downside: each trace will be read with this method)

In the following examples we will use both methods to filter a BasicAesSimulationContainer:

  • with a list, taking the traces with index even,
  • with a function, taking only the traces for which the plaintext_0 is equal to 0
from lascar import FilteredContainer

container = BasicAesSimulationContainer(5000, 1)
filtered_from_list = FilteredContainer(container, range(0, 5000, 2))
for i in range(len(filtered_from_list)):
    assert filtered_from_list[i] == container[2 * i]

# For the filtering with predicate, we create a boolean function taking a
# `Trace` as input:
predicate = lambda trace: trace.value["plaintext"][0] == 0
filtered_from_function = FilteredContainer(container, predicate)

for trace in filtered_from_function:
    assert trace.value["plaintext"][0] == 0