Session introduction

This tutorial introduces the Session class and covers some of its basic functionalities. In Lascar, when all traces of a Container need to be walked in order to make a statistical analysis, a Session must be used.

Session is the class that will orchestrate:

  • the reading of the container traces by batch (to avoid loading all in RAM as much as possible),
  • all the statistical computations that are being requested,
  • the output of the your analysis (log file, a binary file, a plot, etc.).

In this example, a BasicAesSimulationContainer is set up, with 10000 traces, and noise set to 1. A session is then instanciated, and the container is given as the argument to indicate to the session that all processing will be done on the traces of this container. Other optional arguments can be given to the Session.__init__() method; they will be presented later.

from lascar import BasicAesSimulationContainer
from lascar import Session

container = BasicAesSimulationContainer(10000, noise=1)
session = Session(container)

The Session class implements a logger (such as Container), whose level can be defined by the user:


The main method for Session class is the run() method. It will read all the traces from the container by batches, and run the required processing defined by the list of registered engines.

The size of batches can be specified as an argument in order to chose the right balance between speed and RAM consumption.

Engines are classes dedicated to compute stuffs from side-channel traces. The Session distributes trace batches to all its engines, for them to process the leakage and data.

Here a list of engines already implemented in lascar:

  • MeanEngine: computes the mean of all the traces leakages,
  • VarEngine: computes the variance of all the traces leakages,
  • SnrEngine: computes Signal-to-Noise-Ratio from the traces leakages and a partitioning function applied to the values.
  • CpaEngine: computes Correlation Power Analysis from the traces leakages and a guess function applied to the values.
  • TTestEngine: computes Welch’s T-Test from the traces leakages and a partitioning function applied to the value

By default, a Session only registers MeanEngine and VarEngine. The man/variance of the leakage is the only thing computed in that very case:


Now that the engines has been fed with all the traces, we can access their results through their finalize() method.

mean = session.engines["mean"].finalize()
variance = session["var"].finalize()

print("mean:", mean)
print("variance:", variance)

The output will be similar to:

Session |100%|####|10000 trc/10000 | (2 engines, batch_size=100, leakage_shape=(26,)) |Time:  0:00:00
mean: [ 4.01378799e+00  3.98403005e+00  3.98297528e+00  3.99657352e+00
  4.00586662e+00  3.97684847e+00  3.95978471e+00  4.02742672e+00
  4.00029943e+00  4.02682018e+00  3.97778740e+00  4.01762718e+00
  4.02589835e+00  3.98203469e+00  4.01265012e+00  4.01654189e+00
  7.60099563e-03 -7.55122327e-03 -6.39382980e-03 -2.05647750e-03
 -1.66105664e-03  2.30399416e-03 -7.95356363e-03  4.03680233e-03
  5.08844511e-03  5.51425513e-03]
variance: [2.9693785  2.90905657 2.98951995 3.03573351 3.05090195 2.9817484
 3.06420924 2.95840147 2.94878337 3.01056054 3.03315488 2.99825641
 2.98852836 2.9348114  2.99989627 3.00595521 1.02142408 1.02028714
 0.98588882 1.00193212 1.00401774 1.00643998 0.98910787 1.00175479
 1.01897284 1.00315619]